Friday 18 January 2013

thinking aloud

Lately, I have been feeling the need to connect and come closer to our students. Though I don't have a specific reason for feeling this need, I surely know that it would do good if the students get to know the idealogy,  the logic and the thought process behind various initiatives of the college.

Yesterday, I have gone to a class room and asked their opinion on making speaking in English compulsory on the campus. To my pleasant surprise, the response was overwhelming. I just expected a few nods and that I had to try to convince or counsel the rest for the imperativeness of English as the main medium of communication. After seeing the whole hearted response, I felt sorry for having not done this few years back. Few years ago, some students requested us to make it mandatory to speak in English, but we thought it would be difficult to implement as the students might not like it. Now I know it was a blunder we had made. We already lost a few years and some batches.

Anyhow, now that the implementation has begun, I hope all of our students take to English like fish to water.
I thank the alumni of VVIT for suggesting this move after feeling the need to communicate effectively in English for taking on the real world after passing out from the college.

Tuesday 10 April 2012


follow your passion even if it is a little late in your life. that was the motto when this long cherished dream to make a film finally became a reality. though the film was not on the scale that i always have dreamt, at the least, it was a beginning in that direction.

after deciding to make a movie, the main limiting factors i have set for myself were :

1 - low budget to limit the risk of making a film closer to the heart than surrendering to the market diktats.
2 - smaller canvas that does not test my limited experience.
3 - clean film that does not tar the image of our college or mine.
4 - different, really different film in content or style that does not remind us of any telugu film either good or bad.
5 - complete the film in 18 day nonstop start to finish schedule in the old school of film making.

After starting the shooting of the film, i have learnt that i have bit more than i can chew by taking too many challenges at a time such as making a different film in a very limited budget in very limited time.

now the results are there for you to decide whether i was successful given the constraints.